Theres no doubt now that the pentagon is the new world order, and about pull the biggest con in the history of the world. Agenda 21 is a agreement between the united nations and 191 other countries to begain the new world order. And every country on the planet will fall to Haarp and the pentagon head of the new world order. There may be many sub stations in other countries to assist Haarp, but theres only one controller , and thats Haarp in Alaska. If a second Haarp fired up and was off on degree of power to match Haarp, the magnetic fields would collide and destroy both Haarps. This is important, because theres only one weapon of mass destruction that will be used in the NWO, EMP attack and that is Haarp in Alaska. The pentagon has used Haarp and has succsessfully placed chemical trails poisons over every country on the planet, thanks

Haarp, genocide through the airwaves, through the chemical trials, cellphone towers smart meters HD TV, the government of the United States of(not America) has built the Tesla death Ray right in front of us, and can be easily proven, Nokoli Tesla said , by putting chemicals into the air and a communication tower , he could knock 10, 000 planes from the sky at a range of 250, miles, and the chemical mixture could increase the electricity to , half a million volts, now 12 volt, cellphone towers by transmission lines with half a million volts and a minimum of three hundred thousand volts combined with the chemical trials don’t take much to see the governments plan the world seems to have forgotten that this is 100 percent the Tesla death Ray on a very grand scale, Tesla did not discover the airwaves but he did master them better than anyone,the airwaves are electric and vibrate and have a speed of over 2000 miles a second, and can carry your actual voice not a recording but your actual voice half way around the world in seconds, that’s pretty fast, now the thing that makes people use the impossible is that the airwaves can do the impossible, the scientists either don’t know are lie about why chemical trails are visible, well the truth first the chemical trials have microscopic charged aluminum in them and are dropped into already charged air, and they are light as the air and attach to the airwaves and become visible too Haarp radar, and grow into a cloud and when they are full, then Haarp creates a roll cloud you see them everyday being rolled up like carpet across the sky, the airwaves are the most power thing in the universe, and 10 times stronger than a nuclear bomb, and they are the fuel for HAARP, and mass genocide from the new world order and headquarters in the Pentagon,now the impossible thing is we have airwaves tainted with chemical poison a atomic mixture of Aluminum, Mercury, lithium, and flouride , traveling at 2000 miles per second and not running into each other going in and out of our bodies and still put a perfect picture and sound into the electronic devices the were intended too, and that is impossible but they everyday, and even tho they are invisible the world sees and uses them everyday,when pure static can spin into a perfect picture or your actual voice, that goes past amazing and even suggest a life form, the airwaves are called the quantum strings , and the United States is the Devil himself, and they control Haarp from Alaska nowhere else, any version of Haarp has to have one controller, if another had one and was a degree different from Haarp, they would destroy each other, now chemical trails poison being dropped on another country is a violation of international air space and a act of war, and not country has said a word until Russian President Vladimir Putin came out against HAARP the 10 year nagging question l could never answer was why, then this week it got answers, the agenda 21 is the new world order and agenda 21 is agreement to the new world order to begain and that means that dropping poison on every single country is not a act but considering to commit mass genocide is damn sure a war crime against God and every living thing on this planet, the genocide is HAARP through 5G cellphone towers and the electrical grid can send a half a million volts of electricity through the airwaves as easy as calling new york from texas and BOOM mankind is Destroyed every living man woman child and Animal except for the protected area set aside by the Pentagon, last thing racism is the government period, and we stick together, the United States will destroy America and the Americans, and will not discriminate doing it to every single country, but Haarp is clearly going to destroy the life on the planet from American soil against the wishes of America, and now it is incumbent apon myself and all Americans to take the lead and stop this, l am under secret service investigation now and had a terrorist watch box 50 feet from my house which l promptly put two bullets into and posted on Facebook because, l am Tim Speaks and l am a American, thanks